The skincare industry is increasingly complex. The brightest minds at the biggest companies continually explore bold new territory in their quest to help consumers retain their youthful good looks, fight common signs of aging, and rejuvenate their skin. And one of the most incredible new areas being explored in the industry is the manipulation of exosomes. What are exosomes? How do they work in skincare products? How can they help you revitalize your skin for years to come? In this post, we’ll take an in-depth look at exosomes and their powerful effect on skin health. What are Exosomes?Exosomes are vesicles: tiny membranous, liquid-filled sacs inside the body. While exosomes are found outside of cells (including stem cells), they are believed to emerge from cells after they fuse with a multivesicular body. Exosomes contain some powerful components that play a big part in helping the skin heal and repair itself. Some of those components include lipids and growth factors, which are essential for stimulating cellular growth. What Do Exosomes Do for the Human Body?Since exosomes were found in 1983, scientists have studied them, and their role in the human body, intensively. That has led to incredible discoveries about how exosomes function. Primarily, exosomes carry and transmit cellular information to damaged cells, which prompts them to start healing and regenerating. As they act as messengers between cells, exosomes essentially have the ability to tell cells to activate and deactivate functions. For example, exosomes can inform cells in an area of the body experiencing difficulties (such as an inflamed joint) to return to a healthy state. In that case, exosomes would help to relieve the inflammation and related discomfort. How Do Exosomes Help Skin Stay Healthy?Stem cell-based products are increasingly used in the world of dermatology to treat complex skin conditions, and new innovations are pushing this trend further. As a result, a number of brands around the world have begun to release exosome-based skincare products. Exosome-based skincare products can help skin stay healthy at any age, but they may be particularly helpful to people concerned about the signs of aging. Wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin can all be difficult to accept when they affect the face and neck. These developments are mainly caused by natural changes in the body as it grows older. For example, humans produce less collagen and elastin with age. Collagen is the most prevalent protein in our bodies: it helps to give tissues their structure and resilience. That’s why collagen is a major part of connective tissues, and why it is so important to maintain strong skin. Similarly, elastin is another widespread protein in the body, and is able to expand and recoil. Elastin is a key part of tissues that need to be flexible and stretchable, such as the bladder and lungs. When you pinch your skin and watch it pull back into place, you know elastin is doing its job. As the body produces less collagen and elastin, your skin starts to become thinner and saggier. Aging skin causes jawlines to lose their definition, cheeks to sag, and wrinkles to form. Wrinkles are one of the most visible age-related skin changes, whether they appear on the forehead, around the eyes, or close to the mouth. Fortunately, exosome-based products can encourage regeneration of skin cells, trigger the skin’s healing response, and promote production of collagen and elastin. Not only do these products help the skin look younger and revitalized, they can make it healthier, too! Key Ingredients in Exosome-Based Skincare ProductsSome of the most inventive new skincare products on the market feature exosomes that have been reinforced with key ingredients. These include:
Each of these ingredients can have a powerful impact on skin health. Let’s find out how: Vitamin CVitamin C is one of the most important vitamins to maintain healthy skin. It can increase collagen and elastin production to cultivate more youthful, stronger skin. Combined with exosomes, vitamin C is a powerful addition to any skincare product. Vitamin C may also contribute to a clearer complexion, reduce redness, and hydrate the skin. GlutathioneGlutathione is a powerful, naturally occurring antioxidant. It has become a popular ingredient in skincare products — and with good reason. Glutathione is important in repairing damaged cells and reducing melanin production (which is responsible for skin discoloration issues, such as hyperpigmentation). Over time, glutathione can brighten the skin and lead to a more balanced skin tone. And on top of all that, glutathione neutralizes cell-damaging free radicals. Protecting skin cells from free radicals helps combat signs of aging and keep skin looking healthy. Hyaluronic AcidHyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance able to retain moisture in high quantities. It helps skin stay flexible, hydrated, and stretchy, which is why it can fend off wrinkles and fine lines. Hyaluronic acid is also helpful in healing wounds. How Do Exosome-Based Products Help You Heal After Cosmetic Treatments?As exosomes are vital in intercellular communication and prompting the body’s natural healing process, they can be a fantastic way to care for your skin after certain cosmetic treatments. For example, you may massage an exosome-based skincare product into the treated area after a chemical peel, laser treatment, injectables, or microneedling. They can encourage your skin to recover from a procedure from the inside out, and help it look its best while the treatment takes effect. Astra Medicare’s team can recommend skincare products formulated to help your skin look and feel healthier. These include Eltraderm and Alumier MD products, suitable for everyday and post-procedure use. Book Your Anti-Aging Treatment at Astra Medicare TodayExosome-based products can rejuvenate your skin and make common signs of aging less visible, especially when used alongside anti-aging treatments. Astra Medicare provides an extensive range of treatments, including:
To learn more about any of these and our other treatments, contact our expert team today!
Are you concerned about wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, or discoloration on your face or body? Many cosmetic treatments are designed to address these and similar issues, with varying results. But Inmode’s Morpheus8 is one of the most innovative and effective skin remodeling solutions on the market. It can target numerous problem areas and achieve incredible results. So, how does it work? What results can you expect to see? Find out below! What is Inmode’s Morpheus8?Inmode’s Morpheus8 is a minimally invasive solution for dermal and subdermal remodeling, combining radiofrequency (RF) and microneedling to deliver an incredibly powerful treatment. Morpheus8’s modular RF fractional technology enables treatment providers to target various skin conditions and aging-related issues. As a result, it can cultivate a clearer, more youthful appearance with healthier-looking skin. Trained technicians can wield dual Morpheus8 handpieces — the Morpheus8 to treat smaller areas (such as specific zones on the face) and the Morpheus8 Body for bigger, deeper treatments. The intensity of the RF energy can be adjusted as required, and the needles’ penetration depth is programmable for maximum accuracy. The Morpheus8’s incredible degree of flexibility empowers treatment providers to serve diverse aesthetic needs and goals. What are the Main Benefits of Morpheus8?Let’s check out the primary reasons to try Inmode’s Morpheus8: Treat Diverse IssuesMorpheus8 can treat:
If you’re affected by any of these, Morpheus8 could make a significant aesthetic difference. Get the Deepest Fractional Treatments on the MarketMorpheus8 was designed to provide the deepest fractional treatments to date — and that’s exactly what it does. The Morpheus8 penetrates subdermal tissue up to 8mm, specifically 7mm plus 1mm thermal profile. Morpheus8 incorporates between 12 and 40 fine micro needles that form tiny lesions deep in the target areas of skin, using RF energy. These lesions stimulate the body’s natural healing process and encourage production of both elastic and collagen, which are essential for firm, elastic skin. After a Morpheus8 treatment, your skin will look smoother, tighter, and more youthful. Morpheus8 is Suitable for All Skin TypesCertain cosmetic treatments affect specific skin types only. As a result, you may find that the range of anti-aging, skin rejuvenating solutions available to you seem more limited than it should. Fortunately, Morpheus8 is safe for ALL skin types — even up to type VI (as per the Fitzpatrick scale). Not only does Morpheus8 remodel treated skin and tissue to an exceptional standard, but it poses minimal risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is a condition that causes patches of dark skin to form on the face or body, creating a discolored appearance. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is commonly associated with other skin resurfacing techniques. If your skin type has prevented you from trying other skin treatments, Morpheus8 could be just what you need. Morpheus8 Allows for Varied TreatmentsThanks to the inclusion of the dual handpieces, Morpheus8 can be used to cater to a vast range of requirements. For example, you may prefer to undergo the treatment on your face to revitalize your skin and combat common signs of aging in the most visible area of your body. Others, though, might experience sagging skin on one or more parts of their body, but feel satisfied with their face. In either case, the Morpheus8 can handle it. The Morpheus8 handpiece is designed to address smaller areas in need of treatment, while the Morpheus8 Body is ideal for bigger treatments targeting tissue at a deeper level. Morpheus8 Includes Four Fractional Tips for Different GoalsInmode’s Morpheus8 includes four fractional tips with different microneedle arrangements:
As a result, Morpheus8 can deliver RF energy to tissue at different depths between 0.5mm and 7mm. Treatment providers can match the fractional tip to their client’s needs, skin conditions, and objectives. Your provider will discuss your goals with you and assess your skin in the target area(s) before they choose the right tip for you. Burst Mode RF Technology to Target Tissue at Different LevelsMorpheus8 Body’s Burst mode RF technology empowers treatment providers to target tissue at three depth levels, all at the same time. That offers a number of benefits, including:
Your treatment provider will be happy to explain this process during your consultation, based on what you’re looking to achieve. When Will Results Become Visible with Morpheus8?You may start to notice the early results within just a few days of your first session. But it will take a little longer for your skin to look smoother and tighter — usually between three and four weeks. That’s because of the time required for your body to produce fresh collagen and elastin. You will continue to see the final results develop across two or three months. What Side Effects May Occur?After your Morpheus8 treatment, it’s possible that your skin will become red, start peeling, and feel tighter than usual. This will only be temporary, lasting no longer than one week in the majority of cases. Bruising and swelling may occur too. If so, it should pass after a few days. How Many Morpheus8 Treatment Sessions Will You Need?Most people who choose Morpheus8 will undergo two sessions, with a break of four to six weeks between them. A third session may be required in some cases. Your treatment provider will be able to give you more information on how many sessions you will need. Want to Try the Inmode Morpheus8?Astra Medicare offers an extensive range of treatments to leave you looking and feeling good — including the amazing Morpheus8. Our friendly team will provide all the information you need on Inmode’s skin remodeling solution and any of our other treatments. Get in touch today to schedule your appointment at our upscale Brampton facility. How can Retinol, Vitamin C, and Hydroquinone Improve Your Skin?What do retinol, vitamin C, and hydroquinone have in common? Adding these three key ingredients to your beauty regimen can make your skin look clearer, healthier, and more youthful over time. But WHY are they so beneficial? And how do they work? What is retinol?Retinol is a form of vitamin A, and has become a hugely popular skincare ingredient (as an over-the-counter version of retinoids). Retinol’s molecules are small enough to penetrate the skin’s outer layer (the epidermis) and reach the middle layer (the dermis). Retinol helps to neutralize free radicals — unstable molecules have the potential to harm cells and human DNA. And by doing so, retinol stimulates the production of collagen (the skin’s main structural protein) and elastin (a protein making connective tissues elastic). Both are crucial to help combat the development of sagging skin as you age. This process also reduces the visibility of enlarged pores, wrinkles, and fine lines that can make the skin appear older. And as if all this wasn’t enough, retinol can exfoliate the skin to achieve a better texture. Retinol may be particularly beneficial if you have acne: it unclogs pores and prevents blemishes from forming, leaving the skin clearer. Retinol’s ability to balance hydration levels in skin can help to retain moisture and ease dry skin too. It’s also believed that retinol may help to improve hair growth and reduce hair loss when used alongside minoxidil (a common ingredient in over-the-counter hair treatments). How can you get retinol?Retinol can be found in a variety of foods, including:
You can also take advantage of retinol through skincare products. One option is The Perfect Derma Peel, which contains numerous powerful ingredients, one of which is retinoic acid. Retinol is converted into retinoic acid upon absorption by the skin. Other ingredients include TCA, Phenol, Glutathione, and kojic acid. The Perfect Derma Peel is designed to improve the appearance of acne scars, sun spots, and aging complexions. What is vitamin C?We all know vitamin C is good for us — we just may not know why. Well, first and foremost, it’s an antioxidant, which fights oxidation and protects cells against free radicals. But vitamin C is also a powerful aid to healthy skin. One of vitamin C’s primary benefits is its contribution to collagen production. This becomes more important as you age: the body produces less collagen, and the skin starts to sag due to its reduced elasticity. As a result, vitamin C can play a part in slowing age-related changes in the skin and promote a firmer complexion. Vitamin C also lightens dark patches of skin, caused by hyperpigmentation, by inhibiting the enzyme responsible for melanin production. Melanin is the pigment that gives the skin its color, but too much of it can create dark spots on the face, arms, or in other areas on the skin. Excess melanin production might be triggered by:
Another benefit of vitamin C is that it’s an anti-inflammatory, so it reduces redness/skin inflammation across the body. If used topically, vitamin C may soothe redness and improve the skin’s appearance. Vitamin C also increases iron absorption, helpful for healing skin damage and wounds. How can you get vitamin C?Oddly, the human body CANNOT produce vitamin C, due to a mutation in the gulonolactone oxidase gene. Fortunately, vitamin C CAN be found in a huge range of foods, IV therapy treatments, and topical skincare products. Vitamin C-rich foods include:
But food has to pass through the digestive system first, which can decrease the amount of vitamin C that reaches your system. This is why topical or intravenous solutions may be more beneficial if you want to reap the rewards of using vitamin C. For example, Astra Medicare’s Vitamin C IV Therapy delivers the vitamin straight into your bloodstream, to help stimulate collagen production, fight free radicals, and boost your immune system. What is hydroquinone?Hydroquinone is a less well-known ingredient than vitamin C, but it’s well worth considering. This reduces the number of melanocytes in the body, which produce melanin. Increased melanocyte production and the resulting melanin are responsible for hyperpigmentation, so hydroquinone’s ability to bleach the skin makes it an effective ingredient for treating this common condition. Overall, using hydroquinone can lead to a more balanced skin tone across a period of weeks or months. But it can also be used to treat various other skin conditions, such as freckles, acne scars, melasma, and age spots. However, you should use hydroquinone with care if your skin is particularly dry or sensitive. There’s a small risk that it could exacerbate dryness and/or irritation, though this may improve as your skin acclimates to it. It’s also worth noting that hydroquinone is most effective on people with fair skin. It could actually make hyperpigmentation more visible if you have darker skin, though that’s not guaranteed. If you’re unsure about using hydroquinone, speak to a skincare specialist. They’ll discuss the benefits and potential side effects in detail, to help you make an informed decision. How can you get hydroquinone?You can find hydroquinone in numerous skincare products. One option is the Alumier Lightening Lotion. This uses a combination of hydroquinone and licorice root, both of which are known to:
How do you know which of these ingredients is best for you?If you want to improve your skin, experimenting with the three ingredients above could lead to real results! But it’s crucial that you know how to use them properly before you start. Our skincare experts are here to help you find the right solutions, so book your consultation today! What causes skin discolouration and how can it be treated?Skin discoloration is a common issue, and it can manifest in different ways. Maybe you notice more freckles on your face than usual. Perhaps you find age spots forming on your arm. Or you might see dark patches on the skin across your face, arms, or legs. And you’ll probably feel concerned when you spot any changes in your skin, even if it’s only cosmetic. But what actually causes skin discoloration? And what treatments can you try to reduce its visibility? What causes pigmentation problems?Pigmentation (also known as hyperpigmentation) refers to uneven skin coloring in one or more areas. For example, a dark patch will stand out against the lighter skin around it, especially on the face (where it’s not so easy to cover up). This might affect the way in which you see yourself, and cause you to avoid mixing with others or taking part in activities you usually enjoy. But pigmentation issues may be easier to address once you identify the cause. So, let’s explore the causes of common skin discoloration types: Age spotsAge spots (or sunspots) are flat, brown spots that form in different areas of the body. They’re typically painless and harmless. They may even be called liver spots, though the liver has no connection to them. What causes age spots? The simple answer is that they’re triggered by exposure to the sun or by using tanning beds. But the more complex answer is that age spots form when melanin becomes clustered in the skin, or is produced in higher concentrations than before. Melanin is the substance within the body that provides your skin with its color. And when ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin, they prompt melanocytes to produce melanin and protect the skin from sun damage. The more time you spend in direct sunlight, the more melanin your body will produce, and you’ll develop a tan — or age spots. These tend to appear on parts of the body most commonly exposed to UV rays, including the face, arms, decolletage, hands, and neck. Obviously, if you spend a lot of time working on a full body tan, it’s possible that you could develop age spots in less visible places too. FrecklesSome people consider freckles to be one of their key defining features and take pride in showing them off to the world, just like the A-list stars covered in this People post. But for others, freckles can be a difficult aspect of their appearance to embrace. These tiny brown or beige spots tend to form in clusters, usually on the face, legs, and arms. They tend to become darker after you spend long periods in the sun, and may appear lighter throughout the winter. That’s because UV light will produce extra melanin and increase the visibility of your freckles. But genetics plays a part in freckle formation too. A gene known as MC1R determines the type of melanin the body produces: pheomelanin or eumelanin. The latter protects the skin from UV radiation, but the former doesn’t. If you have dark hair, dark eyes, and dark skin, it’s likely that you’ll produce eumelanin. And that means you’ll be less prone to freckles. But anyone with light hair (blonde, brown, red), skin, and eyes will primarily produce pheomelanin. This makes freckles much more likely. MelasmaMelasma creates dark patches on skin, usually brown or gray. These can form on the nose, forehead, cheeks, or chin. Even the upper lip may be affected. When melasma develops, it’s usually symmetrical on both sides of the face. But melasma can still show on other areas of the body besides the face: the forearms, neck, and anywhere else frequently exposed to sunlight. This condition can be caused by both UV exposure and hormonal changes. This sets it apart from hyperpigmentation, and can make it harder to treat. Pregnant women may be affected by melasma due to hormonal fluctuations, though certain medications (e.g. oral contraceptives) and treatments can contribute too. Melasma typically worsens during summer, particularly if you spend more time outdoors in bright weather without covering up or wearing sunblock. What skin discoloration treatments are available?If you’re looking to treat discoloration of the skin, multiple amazing treatments are available. Here are three of the most effective options to consider: The Perfect Derma PeelThe Perfect Derma Peel offers medical-grade formulations, containing numerous powerful ingredients:
The Perfect Derma Peel is designed to solve common skin issues, including age spots and dull complexions. They cater to all skin types and ethnicities. Results may be visible after just one week. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapyPRP therapy involves taking a concentration of platelets from your blood, preparing them in a centrifuge, and injecting them back into your body. Why? The plasma releases growth factors that stimulate and increase the number of cells performing skin repairs. As a result, PRP therapy can cultivate healthier, tighter, more youthful skin. It’s known to reduce the visibility of dark circles, scars, and stretch marks. MesotherapyMesotherapy (often confused with microneedling) is designed to improve the skin’s overall appearance and leave it looking rejuvenated. It uses fine needles to make a series of injections into the skin’s middle layer. Various solutions may be injected, depending on the patient’s condition. While mesotherapy is a popular treatment for hyperpigmentation and age spots, it can also help with acne and common signs of aging. Glutathione IV therapyGlutathione IV therapy is increasingly popular for discoloration of the skin. This is an antioxidant occurring naturally in the body, known to inhibit melanin production. Glutathione IV therapy offers a number of benefits, including achieving a more even skin tone and reducing the visibility of hyperpigmentation issues (freckles, age spots, dark patches). Feel inspired to try a hyperpigmentation treatment? Each of these cutting-edge options is available at Astra Medicare today!. If you want to book a consultation for any of them or our other services, contact our expert team now! What causes skin discoloration and how can it be treated?Skin discoloration is a common issue, and it can manifest in different ways. Maybe you notice more freckles on your face than usual. Perhaps you find age spots forming on your arm. Or you might see dark patches on the skin across your face, arms, or legs. And you’ll probably feel concerned when you spot any changes in your skin, even if it’s only cosmetic. But what actually causes skin discoloration? And what treatments can you try to reduce its visibility? What causes pigmentation problems?Pigmentation (also known as hyperpigmentation) refers to uneven skin coloring in one or more areas. For example, a dark patch will stand out against the lighter skin around it, especially on the face (where it’s not so easy to cover up). This might affect the way in which you see yourself, and cause you to avoid mixing with others or taking part in activities you usually enjoy. But pigmentation issues may be easier to address once you identify the cause. So, let’s explore the causes of common skin discoloration types: Age spotsAge spots (or sunspots) are flat, brown spots that form in different areas of the body. They’re typically painless and harmless. They may even be called liver spots, though the liver has no connection to them. What causes age spots? The simple answer is that they’re triggered by exposure to the sun or by using tanning beds. But the more complex answer is that age spots form when melanin becomes clustered in the skin, or is produced in higher concentrations than before. Melanin is the substance within the body that provides your skin with its color. And when ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin, they prompt melanocytes to produce melanin and protect the skin from sun damage. The more time you spend in direct sunlight, the more melanin your body will produce, and you’ll develop a tan — or age spots. These tend to appear on parts of the body most commonly exposed to UV rays, including the face, arms, decolletage, hands, and neck. Obviously, if you spend a lot of time working on a full body tan, it’s possible that you could develop age spots in less visible places too. FrecklesSome people consider freckles to be one of their key defining features and take pride in showing them off to the world, just like the A-list stars covered in this People post. But for others, freckles can be a difficult aspect of their appearance to embrace. These tiny brown or beige spots tend to form in clusters, usually on the face, legs, and arms. They tend to become darker after you spend long periods in the sun, and may appear lighter throughout the winter. That’s because UV light will produce extra melanin and increase the visibility of your freckles. But genetics plays a part in freckle formation too. A gene known as MC1R determines the type of melanin the body produces: pheomelanin or eumelanin. The latter protects the skin from UV radiation, but the former doesn’t. If you have dark hair, dark eyes, and dark skin, it’s likely that you’ll produce eumelanin. And that means you’ll be less prone to freckles. But anyone with light hair (blonde, brown, red), skin, and eyes will primarily produce pheomelanin. This makes freckles much more likely. MelasmaMelasma creates dark patches on skin, usually brown or gray. These can form on the nose, forehead, cheeks, or chin. Even the upper lip may be affected. When melasma develops, it’s usually symmetrical on both sides of the face. But melasma can still show on other areas of the body besides the face: the forearms, neck, and anywhere else frequently exposed to sunlight. This condition can be caused by both UV exposure and hormonal changes. This sets it apart from hyperpigmentation, and can make it harder to treat. Pregnant women may be affected by melasma due to hormonal fluctuations, though certain medications (e.g. oral contraceptives) and treatments can contribute too. Melasma typically worsens during summer, particularly if you spend more time outdoors in bright weather without covering up or wearing sunblock. What skin discoloration treatments are available?If you’re looking to treat discoloration of the skin, multiple amazing treatments are available. Here are three of the most effective options to consider: The Perfect Derma PeelThe Perfect Derma Peel offers medical-grade formulations, containing numerous powerful ingredients:
The Perfect Derma Peel is designed to solve common skin issues, including age spots and dull complexions. They cater to all skin types and ethnicities. Results may be visible after just one week. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapyPRP therapy involves taking a concentration of platelets from your blood, preparing them in a centrifuge, and injecting them back into your body. Why? The plasma releases growth factors that stimulate and increase the number of cells performing skin repairs. As a result, PRP therapy can cultivate healthier, tighter, more youthful skin. It’s known to reduce the visibility of dark circles, scars, and stretch marks. MesotherapyMesotherapy (often confused with microneedling) is designed to improve the skin’s overall appearance and leave it looking rejuvenated. It uses fine needles to make a series of injections into the skin’s middle layer. Various solutions may be injected, depending on the patient’s condition. While mesotherapy is a popular treatment for hyperpigmentation and age spots, it can also help with acne and common signs of aging. Glutathione IV therapyGlutathione IV therapy is increasingly popular for discoloration of the skin. This is an antioxidant occurring naturally in the body, known to inhibit melanin production. Glutathione IV therapy offers a number of benefits, including achieving a more even skin tone and reducing the visibility of hyperpigmentation issues (freckles, age spots, dark patches). Feel inspired to try a hyperpigmentation treatment? Each of these cutting-edge options is available at Astra Medicare today!. If you want to book a consultation for any of them or our other services, contact our expert team now! How Does the Perfect Derma Peel Revitalize Your Skin?The Perfect Derma Peel has become a popular cosmetic treatment for men and women looking to revitalize their looks — and with good reason. It’s a simple treatment with the power to combat acne scars, signs of sun damage, wrinkles, and other common skin-related issues.And the Perfect Derma Peel can even brighten the skin to create a fresher, lighter complexion unlike any you’ve had before. If you’re thinking about trying a face peel for the first time, you’re bound to have questions. What ingredients does the Perfect Derma Peel contain? And what does it actually do to your skin? In this post, we’ll answer both these and other questions to help you make an informed choice. What’s in the Perfect Derma Peel?The Perfect Derma Peel is known as the only medical-grade peel to include glutathione as one of its core ingredients. As you may or may not know, glutathione is a powerful peptide typically utilized for its brightening capabilities and to reduce inflammatory reactions within cells. Glutathione penetrates skin deeply to reduce the presence of wrinkles and oxidant damage. It also can turn dark skin pigmentation (known as pheomelanin) into light pigmentation, ideal if you’re affected by hyperpigmentation. This condition is caused by a rise in melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of your hair, eyes, and (of course) skin. Astra Medi Spa also offers a Glutathione IV treatment, which can be combined with the Perfect Derma Peel to maximize the results. We’ll come back to this later. Other key ingredients in the Perfect Derma Peel include:
Vitamin C plays a big part in helping the skin’s natural regenerative capabilities and repairing damaged cells. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is known for its anti-aging effects, as is retinoic acid, and both can reduce the visibility of wrinkles/fine lines. The Perfect Derma Peels other ingredients are included to help address other skin problems, such as scarring and/or hyperpigmentation. The main reason the phenol is present in the formulation is its ability to numb the skin slightly, which helps patients to stay comfortable during the Perfect Derma Peel treatment. The peel is administered by a member of our expert team with the training and experience to provide you with total peace of mind from start to finish. What Does the Perfect Derma Peel Do to Your Skin?We’ve covered the Perfect Derma Peel’s ingredients and the reasons they’re included. But how does the peel actually work with your skin to achieve its amazing results? Applying the Perfect Derma PeelUndergoing the Perfect Derma Peel is a fairly long process, though the peel can be applied to the entire face in only 15 minutes (exact timing may vary from one case to another). This is a safe treatment, and you’ll be invited to discuss any concerns or ask any questions you may have before it starts. We want you to feel relaxed and aware of each step of the process. Once the peel is applied to your face, you’ll leave it on for around six hours. Yes, that might seem like a particularly long time, but the peel has to remove the skin’s outer layer (the epidermis) to reveal the fresh layer underneath. First-timers might find this description gruesome, but it’s generally a comfortable experience leading to incredible results. Again, the phenol in the Perfect Derma Peel formula helps to minimize any potential discomfort. Some mild tingling may accompany the early stage of the process, once the peel has been applied to the face. The peeling and rejuvenation processAfter the application, you’ll be provided with a care kit to take home with you. This includes a moisturizer and towelettes to help ease any itching, tightness, or redness that could occur once the skin is ready to start peeling away. The epidermis will begin to peel across the following three or four days, and the skin will become resurfaced gradually across a variable period (usually one week to ten days). It’s crucial that you avoid trying to pick the skin as it’s being shed, as hard as that can be. Many of us have experienced peeling skin at one time or another, typically as the result of sunburn, and it can be satisfying. But make sure you leave the skin alone as it peels, without sloughing or pulling at it (even gently). This treatment is designed to be safe and effective on all types of skin, creating noticable results that last. You can follow your usual routine after the treatment and while the skin is peeling, though it’s best to avoid any activities that could cause you to sweat excessively. That means no strenuous exercise, and you should try to keep cool if you undergo the treatment during summer. Multiple treatments will be required to maintain the results. We recommend three spaced every four weeks apart (or longer, if necessary) initially, for the best outcome. After this, one peel every four or five months should help to combat the signs of aging and the effects of environmental damage. Complementary Treatments to Maximize Your Perfect Derma Peel ResultsWe recommend combining the Perfect Derma Peel with our Glutathione IV and Vitamin C IV treatments to maximize the results. The Glutathione IV treatment encourages the skin to become healthier and lighter, easing uneven skin tones and hyperpigmentation resulting from excessive exposure to UV rays or hormonal changes. As vitamin C aids the body’s healing capabilities, it can help to promote the skin’s rejuvenation during the peeling process. The body is unable to produce vitamin C on its own, but our intravenous treatment delivers it into the bloodstream directly. This enables the vitamin C to bypass the digestive process, so your body can absorb more of it. Our experts have also put together some top tips to help you care for your skin after your Perfect Derma Peel. Want to book your own Perfect Derma Peel treatment to achieve younger, refreshed, brighter skin? Contact Astra Medi Spa’steam now! The fall season is here, which means everyone who spent a little too much time in the sun this summer may benefit from a peel to give their skin a younger, refreshed look.
Medium depth chemical peels like The Perfect Derma Peel provide deep exfoliation to reveal healthier, clearer skin underneath, but its up to you to maintain those results. To help you do just that, we’ve put together a handy guide of tips and daily habits that will help extend your peel benefits as long as possible between peel treatments. Note: These tips are suggestions to help you get the most out of your chemical peel, but are not meant to replace instructions during your treatment. Please follow your doctor’s individualized instructions These post-peel tips can be implemented once your skin is completely healed. 1. Use the right home care products for your skin: If you’ve been getting by with using just any facial cleanser you find at the end of the beauty aisle, it may be time to upgrade your skin care products. Make sure you pick up a gentle, thorough cleanser without harsh chemicals to keep your skin free from impurities to prevent breakouts, blemishes and clogging of pores. Don’t let the fresh skin look like your old skin! 2. Daily Sun Protection: After a peel, you have fresh, beautiful and sensitive skin exposed and easily susceptible to damage. Avoid and minimize sun exposure, and wear sunscreen no matter what – whether it’s rainy or sunny, your skin needs protection! Those UVA and UVB rays can creep up on you when you least expect it. Bonus: Cover up with a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses for extra protection. 3. Continue addressing the skin issues you got the peel for in the first place: Did you peel to correct hyper-pigmentation? Try The Perfect Bleaching Cream ( Was your primary goal to even skin tone and texture? Ask your doctor if The Perfect A can be added to your regimen ( Are you hoping to see brighter, more youthful skin? The Perfect C ( is exactly what you need! The entire Perfect Skin Care line was formulated to work with The Perfect Derma Peel, so ask your doctor to help you choose the correct products to amplify your results based on your specific skin goals. 4. Keep your new skin glowing! Exfoliation is one of the easiest ways to keep your post-peel skin in good shape. Of course, this step should occur after you have recovered from your peel and never while peeling. There are several ways you can do this, including a mask, a light facial scrub or deep cleaning with a skincare brush such as the Clarisonic ( Pick whichever way works best for you, as long as you exfoliate at least once a week, as it helps contribute to cell turnover to minimize imperfections. By lightly exfoliating the top layer of skin, you’re removing dead skin cells which can inhibit proper absorption of skincare products. Properly exfoliated skin looks brighter, smoother and more hydrated. 5. Golden Rules for healthy skin: Don’t forget the golden rules of skin care: a good diet, plenty of water, exercise and proper daily care. 6. Peel, Maintain & Repeat: Schedule another peel! Luckily, medium depth peels can be applied monthly for several months if needed, and then repeated every 3 – 6 months for significant improvement for common issues like chronic acne, acne scars and melasma. 7. Visit your dermatologist: Only your doctor or medical skin care professional can give you personalized advice to help achieve your skin goals. See what your dermatologist recommends for your skin, and check in at least once a year to address any changes. TAGS: chemical peel, exfoliating, skin, skin care, The Perfect Derma Peel Originally posted on: Say goodbye to dry spotted skin and hello to brighter smoother skin!
With warm, longer summer weather and outdoor activities comes the possibility of more sun damage. Did you wear your Mineral Perfection SPF 30 sunscreen everyday? How about staying out of the sun during peak hours 10am – 4pm? If not, you may have gotten some skin damage the past few months. Some hard evidence may include new freckles, sun spots and a darker skin tone. There is also a chance for fine lines and thickening of the skin, especially if you spent time sunbathing. First step: Meet with your skin care professional. An occasional check up with your dermatologist is important for maintaining healthy skin. A visit after the hot summer season is especially important, and your doctor can suggest a variety of treatments available to address sun damage. Second step: Undo the damage. Once you’ve identified any changes in your skin with your doctor, consider what treatments could help improve your skin. Common summer skin damage includes skin discoloration and fine lines. From home care treatments such as exfoliating or medical office treatments like a chemical peel, there are plenty of options to get your skin looking gorgeous again. Here are some easy ways to help repair summer skin damage:
If you’re as eager as we are to get a quick skin fix before the next season settles in, book your skin check up now! Use our handy medical skincare office locator to to book an appointment near you. Medical spas and Dermatologists will be filling up with that patients looking to bounce back to healthy skin this fall, so make sure you don’t wait too long! TAGS: chemical peel, dermatology, fall season, perfect peel, skin damage, summer skincare, sun spots, The Perfect Derma Peel Everything You Need to Know About Clear + Brilliant and How it Can Help Your Skin Look its Best10/26/2019 Everything You Need to Know About Clear + Brilliant and How it Can Help Your Skin Look its Best“Skin care is so much more important than makeup. Makeup is for when you’re having fun and going out. But your skin is forever.”
— Halima Aden, fashion model How do you feel about your looks? Research shows one in five Canadian women are unhappy with what they see in the mirror. And while most of us feel unsatisfied with our appearance at one time or another, everyone should be able to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. Fortunately, cutting-edge skincare treatments empower women of all ages to make the most of their natural beauty. And Clear + Brilliant, available at Astra Medi Spa, is an excellent example. Here’s everything you need to know about it. What is Clear + Brilliant?Clear + Brilliant is a state-of-the-art treatment designed to prevent the visible signs of aging through a gentle, streamlined process. One of our trained professionals moves the handheld device over the target areas to treat:
Clear + Brilliant’s fractional lasers focus on the skin’s upper layers, forming millions of microscopic treatment areas to replace damaged skin. This process stimulates production of healthy skin for a younger, smoother appearance. Clinical studies show Clear + Brilliant can lead to an overall improvement in the skin’s quality, reduce the visibility of pores and make a clear impact on the appearance of fine lines. It’s effective, quick and suitable for all skin types. Another main benefit of Clear + Brilliant is the lack of needles or cutting. This procedure is totally non-invasive — which means little to no downtime to disrupt your schedule. You can be on your way after a 30-minute treatment (though appointment times may vary according to personal requirements). What can I Expect During My Clear + Brilliant Treatment?Astra Medi Spa’s experts keep Clear + Brilliant fast, simple and comfortable. The process starts with a consultation, to determine if Clear + Brilliant is the right option for you and your personal goals. This is a frank, transparent conversation with a licensed professional, offering you an ideal opportunity to ask any further questions or address concerns you might have. Undergoing any procedure, even one as safe and advanced as Clear + Brilliant, can be daunting. Our experts are committed to providing you with complete peace of mind at every step. Just before the treatment, a topical numbing cream may be applied to your face. This is nothing to worry about: the cream offers extra comfort during the treatment but is generally not essential. The therapist performing the Clear + Brilliant treatment guides the device over the skin gently, focusing on the areas specified. This takes between 15 and 20 minutes on average. The Intelligent Optical Tracking™ System ensures the device maintains effective contact with your skin, providing even coverage for maximum impact. A Clear + Brilliant Perméa® session ends with applying a topical antioxidant serum to the treated skin straight away. The Clear + Brilliant Perméa® treatment is intended to achieve healthier skin tone and texture. In addition, a biocellulose masque can be applied, too (typically for 10 - 15 minutes). This leaves you feeling refreshed, for a truly revitalizing experience. How Many Clear + Brilliant Treatments Will I Need?We understand repeat treatments can be frustrating and affect your busy schedule. Fortunately, Clear + Brilliant has been shown to achieve visible improvements after four to six sessions. However, you may continue undergoing Clear + Brilliant treatments over time if you wish. This could become part of your regular skincare routine and help you keep your skin looking (and feeling) its best. Consistent sessions might not be right for everyone, though, so we’ll discuss the most appropriate process for a personalized experience. You could change your mind and feel six sessions leave you with the results you’re looking for. It’s entirely up to you. How Long Will it Take Before I Notice Changes in My Skin?Your skin should start to feel softer and its tone should become more even within one- or two-weeks following treatment. No two people have an identical experience, but the results of your Clear + Brilliant session could remain visible for months. The extent of your results (and the length of time they remain visible) varies based on a number of factors, such as the condition of your skin, your age and your current skincare routine. It’s vital to treat your skin as well as you can at all times, but particularly to make the best of your Clear + Brilliant results. Clear + Brilliant is available for men and women of diverse ages. It’s designed to combat common signs of aging and help your skin stay looking younger for longer. As UV radiation, age, pollution, diet, lifestyle and other factors all dictate the skin’s appearance, Clear + Brilliant offers something for everyone. Does Undergoing Clear + Brilliant Treatment Prevent Me from Having Others?Just because you choose to undergo one or more Clear + Brilliant sessions doesn’t mean you can’t complement it with additional procedures.
Clear + Brilliant is just one of the facial treatments we offer at Astra Medi Spa. Others include:
These are just a few of our additional facial options, but each delivers its own benefits and visible results. Whichever facial treatment you choose, Astra Medi Spa’s team works hard to create a calm, relaxing environment in which everyone feels at peace. We’ll talk through your Clear + Brilliant Facial (and any others you wish to cover) in depth to help you make an informed choice. Want to book your own Clear + Brilliant Facial now? Just get in touch!
What are the Main Causes of Unhealthy Skin?It’s easy to feel self-conscious if your skin looks unhealthy: your complexion is one of the first things people notice about you, especially if it’s affected by a particularly visible condition like acne, blemishes, rashes or eczema. We all need to take care of our skin to keep it looking (and feeling) healthy. How can you make this easier for yourself? By understanding the biggest causes of unhealthy skin and taking action to reduce their impact. Unhealthy Skin Cause #1: SmokingSmoking is one of the worst things you can do for your body. It’s terrible for you inside and out — and it makes a bigger impact on your skin than you may realize. Here are just a few of the skin problems smoking can cause:
Unhealthy Skin Cause #2: DehydrationIf your body lacks the proper hydration over a prolonged period, you may notice your skin starts to lose its usual color, feels dry and even has more fine lines than normal. Drink plenty of water (at least eight large glasses a day, though you may need more if you lead an active lifestyle) to stay hydrated and give your skin the moisture it demands. Try to get into the habit of drinking water wherever you are — at work, relaxing on the couch, seeing friends etc. Unhealthy Skin Cause #3: Bad DietMost of us indulge in the foods we know aren’t exactly great for us from time to time. The occasional treat is fine as part of a healthy lifestyle — but if you’re devouring junk food every day, you could be damaging your skin’s health. Your skin is the body’s biggest organ, and like other organs, it needs the proper nutrition to function at its best. A lack of vitamins and minerals will take a noticeable toll on your skin over time. Aim to eat more of the following foods:
Unhealthy Skin Cause #4: UV RadiationSpending too much time in the sun is incredibly bad for your skin. At its most extreme, excessive sun-exposure can increase your risk of skin cancer. At a more superficial level, though, it may leave your skin leathery, prone to dark spots and increased wrinkles. Make sure you cover up and wear high-SPF sunblock when you know you’re going to be in direct sunlight for long periods. Apply sunblock even on overcast days for maximum protection. At Astra Medi Spa, our experts offer an extensive range of facialsdesigned to improve your skin and leave it looking healthier than ever. Want to book yourself infor a treatment? Get in touch today! |
AuthorDedicated and passionate Astra Medicare staff. Archives
September 2024