7 Ways to Keep Your Nails HealthyWe all know a manicure and pedicure are luxurious ways to keep your nails looking fantastic — but do you give their condition as much attention as you should? After all, your nails say a lot about your health, and if yours are in a bad way, you have to address that. How? Eat More Fruit and VegetablesFruit carries plenty of vitamins ideal for boosting your nails’ condition:
Take Care Washing UpStart wearing rubber gloves when washing dishes: immersing your hands in soapy, hot water for long periods can weaken your nails over time. How? It makes them too dry, as with your skin (which isn’t great if you’re prone to eczema). Trim on a Regular BasisA steady trimming routine is a must for healthy nails. Keeping them short reduces the risk of them catching on clothing or breaking when under pressure. Keep the edges neat and use a good-quality file for best results. Regular manicures and pedicures from expert beauticians will take care of this. Go Easy on CuticlesMoisturize your cuticles regularly to keep them strong and supple. Playing with them too much, such as pushing them back or trimming them excessively, increases your risk of infections. If you spot redness, pus or swelling in or around your cuticles, their may actually be a problem. Stop Biting Your NailsIt’s too easy to gnaw away at your nails absent-mindedly while you watch television or if you’re feeling anxious. It can be a hard habit to kick, but biting your nails makes them weaker. It also means you’re introducing germs from your mouth to your nails (and vice versa), posing a danger of infection. Consider putting clear tape over your nails or wear polish to stop you nibbling. Wear the Right ShoesConstantly squeezing your feet into those killer heels that just don’t quite fit? Beware — your toes are likely to keep colliding with the top of the shoes and cause countless tiny injuries. These can build up and leave your nails in bad shape. Avoid forcing your feet into shoes of the wrong size, no matter how beautiful they may be. Stop Using Nails as a Can-openerWe’ve all popped cans of soda open with our fingernails, wrestled with a troublesome keyring or picked stubborn stones from the soles of our boots, but now’s the time to stop that. Why? It’s simple — this can break your nails if you’re too vigorous. Not to mention the potential exposure to germs and bacteria. Take a moment to find a more suitable tool instead, like a knife, scissors etc. A professional manicure and pedicure treatment is the perfect way to care for your nails while enjoying a luxurious pamper session. We use vegan-friendly products and most treatments incorporate materials free of artificial agents, for the healthiest experience. Follow the 7 tips explored above and treat yourself to an expert manicure or pedicure— your nails will look better than ever.
What is Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) and What can it do for You?Platelets are blood cells performing multiple roles in your body:
Astra Medi Spa’s PRP therapy revolves around using plasma (liquid blood) which has been augmented to carry many more platelets than it normally would. As a result, an area of skin affected by a specific issue or condition will be given a higher concentration of those all-important growth factors, to look and feel better than ever. How do PRP Treatments Work?During PRP therapy, a sample of your blood will be taken and the platelets inside will be separated from the other cells using a centrifuge. This spins them at a high speed until they’re ready to be injected into the target zone, with as much as 10 times more platelets than occurs naturally. Using PRP Treatments for Healthier-looking SkinAstra Medi Spa’s specialists use PRP to harness your own healing power and improve various cosmetic conditions, including: Fine lines / wrinklesFine lines and wrinkles are the most recognizable signs of aging. They can be pretty difficult to accept, especially if you feel you’re starting to develop a few more than you should. We’ll inject platelet-rich plasma into the target area(s) of your face to reduce the visibility of these wrinkles, stimulating production of collagen and elastin. You’ll look rejuvenated and more youthful following the number of treatments required. Dark circlesDark circles make you look more tired — and, sadly, older — than you might actually be. Fortunately, we can inject PRP into the skin under your eyes to ease dark circles over time, which makes a great complement to treating other signs of aging. Acne scarsHave acne scars you want to make less noticeable? They’re a common side-effect of this irritating skin condition, and PRP therapy sessions will make a visible difference to your scars in the long run. This saves time covering them up with foundation or applying creams. Stretch marksStretch marks caused by fluctuations in weight or pregnancy may be targeted with Platelet-rich Plasma treatments too. These affect the stomach, thighs or other areas of the body, and might be visible enough to affect your self-image. How can you Arrange your Own PRP Treatment?Our PRP therapy is a fantastic solution to help boost the skin’s look and feel, creating a more youthful aesthetic. We know Platelet-rich Plasma treatments sound fairly daunting, but we’ll answer any questions you may have before and during your in-depth consultation. Our team’s dedicated to giving you all the details you need to know before you sign up for any of our PRP sessions. Want to schedule a consultation for your own PRP therapy at Astra Medi Spa in Brampton? It’s quick and easy — so get in touchwith our friendly team today! |
AuthorDedicated and passionate Astra Medicare staff. Archives
January 2025